Week 14
Final Lab

Assignment Due

Final project - GIFTR is due by 5:00 pm April 17, 2020.
This is the final deadline. There will be no extensions.

Counts for 30% of your MAD9124 final grade.

This will be the final opportunity to get help with squashing any remaining bugs or pushing your project to the production deployment.

This will be an optional lab session, but all are welcome. Even if you have finished your project, drop-in and help your colleagues.

We can also use this time as an open AMA session.

What's next? Advanced topics

You now have a solid basis for building web service APIs, but there is still so much more to learn. Here are some suggested topics for you to explore and expand your backend knowledge.


  • Bidirectional communication
  • Event driven
  • Real-time applications

More Node Frameworks

  • Feathers
  • Adonis
  • Fastify

Bonus Topics

  • HTTP/2
  • Push notifications
  • GraphQL (alternative/compliment to REST)
  • Auth0 (user management service)
  • Cloudinary (image management service)
Last Updated: 4/7/2020, 3:24:52 PM