Week 13
Production Deployment
Quiz 9: Production Prep 15 mins
There will be a quiz today. It will be worth 2% of your final grade.
Assignment Reminder
Final project - GIFTR is due by 5:00 pm April 17, 2020.
This is the final deadline. There will be no extensions.
Counts for 30% of your MAD9124 final grade.
Of all cloud infrastructure service providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is far and away the market leader. We will take advantage of their generous education credits to learn how to deploy the final project using a typical architectural pattern.
Our main web service API application will be bundled into a Docker container which can be auto-scaled with service demand. This service container cluster will be accessed via an HTTP/HTTPS load-balancer, which can also manage the secure HTTPS connection with the client application. The Express containers will talk to the MongoDB service running in a high-availability cluster.
Additionally, your client application from MAD9022 could be served from a global content delivery network.
The key service components that we will need include:
Backend Web Service
- Docker Hub (image repository)
- Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
AWS Certificate Manager- Amazon HTTP/HTTP Application Load Balancer (ELB)
- Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) with Fargate
- MongoDB Atlas (deployed to a managed Amazon EC2 Cluster)
Frontend Client APP
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)Amazon CloudFront (CDN)- GitHub PWA Private Repo
Setup Hosted MongoDB
We will use the free tier of the MongoDB Atlas service to deploy a managed MongoDB instance to the same AWS region as our production Express server containers.
Create a MongoDB cloud account
From the MongoDB home page, click the green Start Free
Fill in the form to create your free account. Please use your Algonquin College email address.
You should shortly receive a confirmation email from MongoDB Atlas. Click the Sign In
button in that email.
That will take you to the MongoDB Atlas login page.
Create Database Cluster
Follow the prompts to create your first Project and Cluster.
Choose the Shared Clusters option -- the free one.
Configure Cluster
Choose AWS as the cloud provider. DO NOT choose 'Multi-Region ...'
Choose the N. Virginia AWS Region.
Under the heading Cluster Tier, choose M0 Sandbox
-- this is the free one.
Do not select any Additional Settings. They are not available in the free tier.
Set the Cluster Name to GIFTR
Verify your settings and click the green Create Cluster
You should now see the Clusters Dashboard while your new cluster is being provisioned. There should be a blue sandbox
label on your cluster -- this means the free tier.
Setup Connection Security
There are still a few more steps. Click the connect
button under your cluster name to bring up an information modal.
We will be accessing this cluster from multiple locations – home, school, AWS. We could (and in a real app SHOULD) whitelist only those IP addresses that need to connect to the database. But, for this project we can simply allow all.
Click the Add a Different IP Address
button, and then enter
for the IP address (CDIR notation) and click Add IP Address
Next you will be asked to create an new administrative user for your database cluster. I called mine madadmin
and selected the autogenerate password
option for a reasonably secure random password.
Copy the password
Don't forget to click the show
button next to the password, and then copy it to your config JSON file. You will never see this password again.
We need to get the connection string details for this new database cluster. Click the Choose connection method
button at the bottom of the modal.
We want the middle option Connect your application.
Copy the hostname portion of the connection string. We will need that in our config JSON file.
Copy the authentication database name portion of the connection string. We will need that in our config JSON file too.
Connect Mongoose to the Atlas Cluster
Up until now, the connection string to tell Mongoose how to open a connection to the database took this format:
Hosted Atlas Cluster
The full connection string for MongoDB databases hosted on an Atlas cluster look a little different. Here is what mine looks like:
(Don't use this one. Go get your own.)
From the above examples
The scheme changes to mongodb+srv://
Database user credentials are inserted: <username>:<password>@
The hostname becomes _something_.mongodb.net
The default database /test
is used to authenticate the db user.
There are some other options set at the end: ?retryWrites=true&w=majority
Update the It is a very common practice to set up a final integration testing or staging environment that very closely mirrors the production environment. That is what we are going to do for the final project. This will allow us to simplify some of the deployment details.
Remember we are retrieving the configuration variables using the config.get()
method. We will set the NODE_ENV
environment variable tostage
, so you will need to create a new /config/stage.json
file with your connection credentials. e.g.
"db": {
"scheme": "mongodb+srv",
"username": "madadmin",
"password": "yourGuessIsAsGoodAsMine",
"host": "giftr-1p8fa.mongodb.net",
"authSource": "test",
"name": "w20-final-giftr"
In a final production deployment, you would not store the database username and password in this config file. They should be injected into the runtime container using environment variables.
But, this will let us better help you with troubleshooting and help us with grading your assignment.
Then in the /startup/connectDatabase.js
module, we need to conditionally construct the connection string based on the target scheme: mongodb
v.s. mongodb+srv
The updated file should look something like this ...
const config = require('config')
const logger = require('./logger')
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
module.exports = () => {
const {scheme, host, port, name, username, password, authSource} = config.get('db')
const credentials = username && password ? `${username}:${password}@` : ''
let connectionString = `${scheme}://${credentials}${host}`
if (scheme === 'mongodb') {
connectionString += `:${port}/${name}?authSource=${authSource}`
} else {
connectionString += `/${authSource}?retryWrites=true&w=majority`
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
useCreateIndex: true,
useFindAndModify: false,
dbName: name
.then(() => {
logger.log('info', `Connected to MongoDB @ ${name}...`)
.catch(err => {
logger.log('error', `Error connecting to MongoDB ...`, err)
Update the scripts
key of the package.json
file to add a stage
script that is the same as the dev
script except that we will set NODE_ENV=stage
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"dev": "API_JWTKEY=supersecretkey nodemon server.js",
"stage": "NODE_ENV=stage API_JWTKEY=supersecretkey nodemon server.js",
"start": "node server.js"
Now run npm run stage
in the terminal and use Postman to make sure that everything is working.
You can still visually check the contents of the database with MongoDB Compass. Just use full the connection string from the Atlas dashboard.
Don't forget to replace <password>
with your real password. e.g.
Health Check Route
Most production deployments will have some kind of automated periodic monitoring to see if your deployed service is still up and running. We will facilitate this by creating a simple HTTP route handler in the main app.js
module. It could be anything that we choose. The AWS HTTP Load Balancer will default to the root path for our service, so let's just use that for now.
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send({data: {healthStatus: 'UP'}}))
The AWS container management service will regularly poll this route looking for a 200
response code. You will be able to see the health status in the AWS CloudWatch console.
Publish a Docker Image
In most development teams these days, everyone needs to know a little about DevOps. You could do a whole course on Docker, containers, and Kubernetes, but for now we are going to simulate a scenario that you are very like to encounter. As a junior developer, a more senior developer on the team has already worked out the correct procedure to bundle and deploy your application, and they will give you some key files and instructions.
Starting in module 5, you have been using Docker as an easy way to run MongoDB in your local development environment. We used a pre-made Docker Image definition (mongo:bionic) that we pulled from the Docker Hub repository.
You can create and publish our own Docker Image to bundle your Express web service application. This image can then be use to deploy one or more copies of your application on a cloud hosting service like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
If you haven't already ...
Create a free Docker Hub account.
Download Docker Desktop and run the installer.
Create a Dockerfile
The Dockerfile
is the recipe for creating a Docker Image. It should be placed in the top level of your project folders. Note the capitalization and there is no extension - just Dockerfile
This will use the official node version 12 image from Docker Hub as the starting point. It then creates the directory structure that our project requires and copies your code from the local project folder into the container image.
Make sure that your project folder structure matches the Dockerfile.
FROM node:12-slim
ENV DEBUG="api:*"
RUN mkdir -p /app /app/config /app/exceptions /app/logs /app/middleware /app/models /app/public /app/routes /app/startup
COPY config/ /app/config/
COPY exceptions/ /app/exceptions/
COPY middleware/ /app/middleware/
COPY models/ /app/models/
COPY public/ /app/public/
COPY routes/ /app/routes/
COPY startup/ /app/startup/
COPY server.js app.js package.json /app/
RUN npm install --unsafe-perm
CMD node server.js
Split server.js and app.js
That final line in the Dockerfile, CMD node server.js
. That is the command that will be invoked when the deployed container is started. If you have all of your Express application defined in app.js
, then you could change the last line of the Dockerfile to be CMD node app.js
Or, you might want to create both a server.js
file and an app.js
file. This is a quite common practice as it separates the code for defining middleware and route handlers in the app.js
file which is then imported into the server.js
module which then only holds the instructions spinning up the Node.js HTTP server, passing in the app.js
module as a configuration object to the server (see lines 5 and 11 in the code example below).
Here is an example server.js
file serving only HTTP.
This is what you should use for your final project.
'use strict'
const http = require('http')
const logger = require('./startup/logger')
const app = require('./app')
* Create HTTP server.
* HTTP server listen on provided port, on all network interfaces.
const server = http.createServer(app)
const port = process.env.API_PORT || 3030
server.on('error', onError)
server.on('listening', onListening)
* Common listener callback functions
function onError(err) {
logger.log('error', `Express failed to listen on port ${this.address().port} ...`, err.stack)
function onListening() {
logger.log('info', `Express is listening on port ${this.address().port} ...`)
If you are going to be running your Node.js server with HTTPS, you must set it up this way.
Here is how it would look if we set it up to use HTTPS with a "let's encrypt" certificate.
This is for your future reference only. DO NOT use this for your final project.
'use strict'
const http = require('http')
const https = require('https')
const fs = require('fs')
const logger = require('./startup/logger')
const app = require('./app')
* Create HTTP server.
* HTTP server listen on provided port, on all network interfaces.
const server = http.createServer(app)
const port = process.env.API_PORT || 3030
server.on('error', onError)
server.on('listening', onListening)
* Create HTTPS server.
* HTTPS server listen on standard port, on all network interfaces.
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
const options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('/etc/letsencrypt/live/mad9124.rocks/privkey.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('/etc/letsencrypt/live/mad9124.rocks/fullchain.pem'),
ca: fs.readFileSync('/etc/letsencrypt/live/mad9124.rocks/chain.pem')
const serverSSL = https.createServer(options, app)
const TLSPort = process.env.APP_TLSPORT || 443
serverSSL.on('error', onError)
serverSSL.on('listening', onListening)
* Common listener callback functions
function onError(err) {
logger.log('error', `Express failed to listen on port ${this.address().port} ...`, err.stack)
function onListening() {
logger.log('info', `Express is listening on port ${this.address().port} ...`)
Simplified app.js
Now that the app.js
module doesn't need any code for creating the HTTP server, it can be simplified to something like this ...
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
// Apply global middleware with app.use()
// Add the health check route
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send({data: {healthStatus: 'UP'}}))
// Link the auth and api route handler modules
// Apply the global error handler middleware
// Export the `app` object
module.exports = app
Build a local Docker image
We have created the Dockerfile and refactored our code. It is time to build the container image with the docker build command. Use the --tag=
command option to set the name of the local Docker Image file that will be created. The :latest
suffix is the version label.
docker build --tag=giftr-api-w20:latest .
This will create an Ubuntu Linux container with Node v12 pre configured and then copy in your project files as defined in the Dockerfile
. Then it will run npm install
in your project root folder (in the container) to ensure that all required dependencies are correctly installed.
When this process is complete you will have a new Docker Image that you can use to create a complete isolated runtime of your Express web service application. You can run it locally to test it.
Here is an updated docker-compose.yml
file that will spin up your new container on your local machine for testing. First, make sure that you stop any other Express server that you might have running.
version: '3.1'
image: mongo:bionic
container_name: mongo
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: supersecretpassword
- 27017:27017
restart: always
- ./data/mongo:/data/db
image: giftr-api-w20
container_name: giftr-api-w20
- mongo
API_JWTKEY: keur0uhwg802fkzh6e72lw0m69g3xv
NODE_ENV: 'stage'
- 3030:80
command: node server.js
Now run docker-compose up -d
. If everything is configured correctly, your new API server container will spin up and try to authenticate with the MongoDB Atlas server that you setup earlier.
Try sending some test requests from Postman to localhost:3030
. Then check the MongoDB Atlas database with MongoDB Compass to visually verify the requests went to the correct database.
If everything looks good we can publish the Docker Image on Docker Hub.
Tag the image
Before you can push the image up to Docker Hub, you need to tag
the local image with your Docker Hub username prefix. Replace <username>
with your Docker Hub username.
docker tag giftr-api-w20 <username>/giftr-api-w20
Push the image to Docker Hub
Make sure that you are logged into Docker Hub. This command will prompt you for your Docker Hub username and password.
docker login docker.io
Now you can push it. Replace <username>
with your Docker Hub username.
docker push <username>/giftr-api-w20
You have successfully published your first Docker Image.
Deploying to AWS
Now it is time to setup the hosting environment on AWS for your Docker container to run.
AWS Classroom Account
By now you should have received an email invitation to join our AWS Classroom and sign-up for a free AWS Educate - Student Account. There are many benefits attached to the free student account which you can use to continue your learning over the summer.
Once you have accepted the invitation and logged into the AWS Educate portal, find the link to "My Classrooms". You should see one listed for "Mobile API Development". Click the blue "Go to classroom" button on the right.
You will now be prompted to agree to the terms and conditions for using the service.
Your browser should be redirected to the Vocareum Dashboard. Click on the card for Mobile API Development. This will open a summary page for your AWS Educate Classroom Account. It has some helpful FAQs and you can see your remaining credit balance for AWS services. You have been given a $50 for this classroom, which is more than enough to cover what we will do, and give you some credits to play with over the summer.
Click on the AWS Console button and you will be automatically logged into the AWS Console with your AWS Educate Classroom account.
This may trigger the "pop-up blocker" in your browser. You will need to grant permission for this site. Look for the warning notice in the URL bar.
Now you know how to get logged in. We can start doing real work!
Configure the Elastic Container Service
1. Go to the ECS console
Type ECS
into the Find Services search box on the AWS Console and then select the Elastic Container Service
2. Start the Setup Wizard
On the next screen you should see a Get Started button. Click that to start the "First Run Wizard". This is a more automated path to provision your container service cluster.
3. Define AWS ECS Container/Task/Service
Now define the runtime parameters for your container service. There are several related parts and they fit together like Russian nesting dolls.
- A container definition links to a Docker image.
- A task sets the resources for a container definition.
- A service may include one or more related tasks.
- A cluster may host one or more services.
Start with the inner most box and work out.
Container Definition
Choose the custom configuration card and click the configure button.
Set these settings in the Standard section of the configuration form:
- Container name:
- Image:
- Soft limit:
- Port mapping:
Expand the Advanced container configuration section of the form and scroll down to the Environment Variables heading. Add the following key:value pairs:
Use the genKey.js
script from week 11 to generate a new random key.
Then scroll all the way to the bottom and check the Auto-configure CloudWatch Logs option next to Log Configuration. Then click the blue Update button in the bottom right corner.
Task Definition
The slide over dialog will close and you will be back to the main ECS Configuration Wizard. Scroll down and click the Edit button on the Task Definition line. Change the task definition name to giftr-api-task
and click the Save button.
Now click the Next button in the bottom right corner.
Service Definition
The service defaults to no load balancer. Change the selection in the middle of the page to Application Load Balancer. This will set it for port 80 HTTP.
Next click the Edit button on the Define your service line. Set the number of desired tasks to be 2
and then click the blue Save button.
The main ECS configuration wizard screen should now look like this screenshot. Click the blue Next button.
Cluster Definition
Set the cluster name to mad9124
, and click the blue Next button.
Take one last look at all of the settings on the Review page.
Then click the blue Create button, and watch the progress spinners for 5 to 10 minutes.
WOOO HOOOO! You have launched your first AWS CloudFormation Stack!
When all 10 provisioning steps have a green check mark, you can click the View Service button to go back to the ECS Dashboard. This will take to detail view for your newly provisioned service. It should look something like this ...
4. Test with Load Balancer address with Postman
So, now we should run some Postman test. But what is the URL?
In the ECS service definition, we created an application load balancer. This will be the "front door" URL for your API service cluster.
To find the load balancer's public DNS name, we need to go to the EC2 Console section of AWS.
Click on the Services top menu drop-down and then select EC2 from the top of the Compute service list.
This will take you to the main EC2 Dashboard. Select Load Balancers from the Resource options in the middle of the page.
You will now see the list of active load balancers on your AWS Classroom account. There should only be one at this point. Click the check box next to the name of your load balancer to see the details at the bottom of the screen.
Copy the DNS name and use that as the hostname for your Postman tests.
5. Link to Load Balancer in client app.
In a real app, you could now use this URL in the fetch
code of your frontend client application.
You would also want to turn on HTTPS for the load balancer, or your browser will block access to "mixed content requests". At the moment, the AWS Classroom accounts don't have access to the AWS Certificate Manager Service, so we cannot do this right now.
You have successfully deployed a load balanced redundant API web service container cluster connected to a separate redundant database cluster — all hosted on Amazon Web Services.
For additional resources
The procedure above is an excellent introduction to containers and AWS. This can be a great talking point in a job interview, but there is more to learn. Please review these additional online resources.