Week 10
Consistent Error Handling
Assignment Due
Assignment 3 - Authentication - is due before 1:00 pm on Friday, March 27th.
It is worth 10% of your final grade.
- AMA (10 mins)
- No Quiz Today
- Enhanced Validation (40 mins)
- Break (10 mins)
- Error Handling Middleware (50 mins)
- Break (10 mins)
- Review Final Project (15 mins)
- Lab Time
Enhanced Validation
Unique properties
Last time we looked at how to manually check if a property value, like email, has already been stored in the target collection. We used the Mongoose .countDocuments()
method in the route handler. While it is important to understand how and why that works, there is a better way to handle this.
In a larger application, we may well have several properties with a unique: true
constraint set in the schema, so a common middleware function would be a good idea. We also talked about the OOP Expert Principle and this kind of validation check really belongs in the Model class.
As it happens there is a Mongoose schema plugin made just for this use case. It is called mongoose-unique-validator. Let's install it in our project.
npm install mongoose-unique-validator
Then we can implement it in the /models/User
module. Require it at the top and then register the plugin right near the bottom, after all of the other schema
definition code, but before creating and exporting the Model
const uniqueValidator = require('mongoose-unique-validator')
// ... the rest of the code we already had
// register the plugin before these last two lines
const Model = mongoose.model('Person', schema)
module.exports = Model
The schema.plugin()
method takes two arguments: the plugin module and an optional configuration object. In this case the configuration object let's us set a custom error message.
The message
property can be set to either a string or a function that returns a string. Let's create a function that returns a specific message for email
properties and a generic message for any other property with a unique:true
schema setting.
schema.plugin(uniqueValidator, {
message: props =>
props.path === 'email'
? `The email address '${props.value}' is already registered.`
: `The ${props.path} must be unique. '${props.value}' is already in use.`
Alternate Syntax
The code block above is combining arrow function syntax and the ternary operator. It could also be written out in more verbose syntax like this ...
schema.plugin(uniqueValidator, {
message: function(props) {
if (props.path === 'email') {
return `The email address '${props.value}' is already registered.`
} else {
return `The ${props.path} must be unique. '${props.value}' is already in use.`
Email address format
While we are looking at the email
property, it would be nice if there was a simple way to validate that the given email address is in fact a correctly formatted email. We could go read the RFC spec and figure out a complicated RegEx comparison, but ... you guessed it. Somebody has already done the hard work.
There is a widely used NPM library called validator that among many other options, has a reliable method for checking email addresses. Let's add it as a dependency of our project.
npm install validator
Now we can use it in a custom validation method on our schema. According to the documentation, Mongoose allows us to set a function as the value for the validate
property, or if we want to set a custom error message, we can set an object with a validator
function that returns a boolean and a message
function that returns a string. This is the approach that we will take.
const schema = new mongoose.Schema({
// ...other props
email: {
type: String,
trim: true,
required: true,
unique: true,
validate: {
validator: value => validator.isEmail(value),
message: props => `${props.value} is not a valid email address.`
Another common schema requirement is to have the application automatically set two timestamp properties on the document object: createdAt
and updatedAt
This is easily accomplished with Mongoose by setting timestamps: true
in the optional second argument to the Schema constructor function. This options object has nearly 2 dozen settings to modify the default behaviour of our document schema.
Turn on the timestamps option for the User model.
const schema = new mongoose.Schema(
// all of the property definitions and validators
timestamps: true
Setter Functions
It is a very common software design pattern to intercept values as they are assigned to an object's property, and do some extra processing on it before actually storing the final value. You can read more about using Setter Functions in plain JavaScript objects at MDN Docs.
The Mongoose schema definition makes it simple to define setter methods that can transform the input data before it is stored in MongoDB, or before using it in a query. This is better illustrated with a couple of examples.
Normalize Email
When storing a user's email address, particularly if using it as their username for authentication, it is a good practice to always convert it lowercase. e.g. "MICKEY.Mouse@Disney.com" should be stored and compared as "mickey.mouse@disney.com".
We can add a setter function to do this.
const schema = new mongoose.Schema({
email: {
type: String,
trim: true,
maxlength: 512,
required: true,
unique: true,
set: value => value.toLowerCase(),
validate: {
validator: value => validator.isEmail(value),
message: props => `${props.value} is not a valid email address.`
Force Integer
The Number
type in Mongoose, like JavaScript, can hold integers or floating point values. There are times when we need to be sure that the value stored is in fact an integer -- for example, when storing monetary values for a credit card payment system like Stripe.
We can add a setter function to always round up to the next integer so that "100.01" cents would be stored as "101" cents.
const schema = new mongoose.Schema({
price: {
type: Number,
min: 100,
required: true,
set: value => Math.ceil(value)
Take a walk. Refill your coffee. We'll continue in 10 minutes.
Express Error Handler Middleware
OK. So now we have better input validation in our Mongoose Models, but most of the code examples that we have seen so far are not giving the client helpful error messages. We have been masking them in generic "500 Server Error" messages.
It is time to fix that!
Express let's us define error handler middleware to help clean up the route handlers and ensure consistent response formatting. When another middleware function calls next(error)
passing an error object as a argument, Express will short-circuit the request pipeline and jump to the first registered error handler function.
Function Signature
Remember Express error handler middleware functions look just like ordinary middleware, but with one extra argument -- the err
function errorHandler (err, req, res, next) { ... }
Great, but how does that help with our route handler functions? Well, remember when I told you that almost everything in Express is a middleware function? That includes route handlers. We just have to add the next
argument to the function signature.
// this
router.post('/auth/users', async (req, res) => { ... })
// becomes
router.post('/auth/users', async (req, res, next) => { ... })
OK. OK. OK. Let's build the thing!
Create a new file called errorHandler.js
in the /middleware
folder and add this starter code that will implement a default "500 Server Error".
module.exports = (err, req, res, next) => {
const payload = {errors: [err]}
const code = 500
Validation error
Now let's add in some logic to check for Mongoose validation errors and format them according to the JSON:API specification.
Mongoose errors returned after failed validation contain an
object whose values areValidatorError
objects. Each ValidatorError haskind
, andmessage
// An example Mongoose errors object might look like this
error = {
// ... some other properties
errors: {
password: {
message: `'password' is required`,
kind: 'Invalid password',
path: 'password',
value: ''
email: {
message: "The email address 'm.mouse@disney.com' is already registered.",
kind: 'Invalid email',
path: 'email',
value: 'm.mouse@disney.com'
We need to iterate over those ValidatorError objects and transform them into the JSON:API format like that would look like this.
errors = [
status: 'Bad Request',
code: '400',
title: 'Validation Error',
detail: "'password' is required",
source: {pointer: '/data/attributes/password', value: ''}
status: 'Bad Request',
code: '400',
title: 'Validation Error',
detail: "The email address 'm.mouse@disney.com' is already registered.",
source: {pointer: '/data/attributes/email', value: 'm.mouse@disney.com'}
We can use JavaScript's Object.values() method to extract the various ValidatorError objects into an array and then use the Array.map() method to loop over them and return a new array of properly formatted error objects.
At the top of the module, create a helper function to do the formatting.
const formatValidationErrors = function(errors) {
return Object.values(errors).map(e => ({
status: 'Bad Request',
code: '400',
title: 'Validation Error',
detail: e.message,
source: {pointer: `/data/attributes/${e.path}`, value: e.value}
Now in our main error handler function we need to check if we have a Mongoose validation error and if so, call the formatter function that we just created to set the payload
variable. Otherwise, we will assume that it is a standard JavaScript error object and wrap it in an array.
module.exports = (err, req, res, next) => {
const isValidationError = err.hasOwnProperty('name') && err.name === 'ValidationError'
const payload = isValidationError ? formatValidationErrors(err.errors) : [err]
const code = isValidationError ? 400 : 500
res.status(code).send({errors: payload})
Almost done. What about other kinds of errors — e.g. a resource not found error?
Let's add an option to the code
assignment that checks if the err
object has a code
property and if it does we'll use that instead of the default '500'.
Refactor Router Modules
That is looking good, but we still need to update our route handlers to take advantage of this new capability. Let's refactor the "register user" route handler from last week.
// Register a new user
router.post('/users', sanitizeBody, async (req, res) => {
try {
let newUser = new User(req.sanitizedBody)
const itExists = !!(await User.countDocuments({email: newUser.email}))
if (itExists) {
return res.status(400).send({
errors: [
status: 'Bad Request',
code: '400',
title: 'Validation Error',
detail: `Email address '${newUser.email}' is already registered.`,
source: {pointer: '/data/attributes/email'}
await newUser.save()
res.status(201).send({data: newUser})
} catch (err) {
debug('Error saving new user: ', err.message)
errors: [
status: 'Server error',
code: '500',
title: 'Problem saving document to the database.'
Changes to this code
Update the function arguments to accept the
function being passed in.Now that we are using the mongoose-unique-validator plugin, we can drop the unique validation check in the route handler.
We can simplify the
block by callingnext(err)
instead of defining and sending the error response here.
// Register a new user
router.post('/users', sanitizeBody, async (req, res, next) => {
try {
let newUser = new User(req.sanitizedBody)
await newUser.save()
res.status(201).send({data: newUser})
} catch (err) {
debug('Error saving new user: ', err.message)
Much simpler, but we're not quite done. There are two more steps.
Error Logging
There is another repetitive part of error handling that we can eliminate. Notice that debug
statement in the catch block. Instead of writing that out every time we are going to call next(err)
, we can create another error handler function to do this for us.
This makes it much easier to change how we log these errors in the future. We may want to use a logger library like Winston. Or we may want to use a third party service like bugsnag, LogRocket or Rollbar. It is much easier to change if it is being managed from one middleware function.
The simplest version would simply console.log()
the error and then call next(err)
to pass control to the next error handler function. Create a new module called logErrors.js
in the /middleware
module.exports = (err, req, res, next) => {
Now we can simplify our route handler even more ...
// Register a new user
router.post('/users', sanitizeBody, (req, res, next) => {
new User(req.sanitizedBody)
.then(newUser => res.status(201).send({data: newUser}))
We are down to six lines of code from the 32 that we started with!
That is more than an 80% reduction and a real win for readability and maintainability.
Register the error handlers
Now we need to put the two new middleware functions into action.
In the main entry module, app.js, add the error handler middleware functions to the request handling pipeline. We want to apply them globally, so there is no route path argument.
Make sure that your error handlers are the last items after all of the other route handlers.
'use strict'
const debug = require('debug')('week8')
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
app.use('/auth', require('./routes/auth'))
app.use('/api/cars', require('./routes/cars'))
app.use('/api/people', require('./routes/people'))
const port = process.env.PORT || 3030
app.listen(port, () => debug(`Express is listening on port ${port} ...`))
Custom Exception Classes
For common errors that we might want to throw from several places in our application, we can extend the standard JavaScript Error class.
Resource not found
For example, we can standardize the error that we pass to our new error handler middleware for resource not found exceptions.
Create a new top level folder in your project called exceptions
. Create a new module file in that folder called ResourceNotFound.js
class ResourceNotFoundException extends Error {
constructor(...args) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, ResourceNotFoundException)
this.status = 'Not found'
this.code = '404'
this.title = 'Resource does not exist'
this.description = this.message
module.exports = ResourceNotFoundException
Stack trace API
This is a available only in the V8 runtime engine used in Node and the Chrome browser. You can read more detail about the Stack trace API in the V8 Dev Docs.
With that new custom exception defined, we can refactor the implementation of our route handler code from this ...
router.get('/:id', async (req, res) => {
try {
const car = await Car.findById(req.params.id).populate('owner')
if (!car) throw new Error('Resource not found')
res.send({data: car})
} catch (err) {
sendResourceNotFound(req, res)
... to this ...
const ResourceNotFoundError = require('../exceptions/ResourceNotFound')
router.get('/:id', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const car = await Car.findById(req.params.id).populate('owner')
if (!car) throw new ResourceNotFoundError(`We could not find a car with id: ${req.params.id}`)
res.send({data: car})
} catch (err) {
We no longer need the sendResourceNotFoundError()
helper function at the bottom of our route handler modules and we will not accidentally mask other errors by allowing the error handler middleware to correctly format and return the errors.
For next week
Before next week's class, please read these additional online resources.
Array.map (video)
There will be a short quiz next class. The questions could come from any of the material referenced above.